Anay Mehrotra
Anay Mehrotra

I am a Ph.D. candidate at Yale University, where I am very fortunate to be advised by Amin Karbasi and Manolis Zampetakis.

I study machine learning algorithms in settings where data may be compromised by structured errors, societal biases, and adversarial manipulations. My research focuses on designing algorithms with desirable properties, like robustness, fairness, and efficiency, and on analyzing existing algorithms, as well as societal systems, under principled models to uncover inherent limitations and vulnerabilities to manipulation.

Apart from Yale, I have also worked on machine learning at Microsoft Research and EPFL among other institutions. At IIT Kanpur, I received the Sri Binay Kumar Sinha Award for the best undergraduate project addressing a societal problem and represented IIT Kanpur at the ICPC World Final.



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  • Sri Binay Kumar Sinha Award, IIT Kanpur (2020)
  • Rank 33 at the ICPC World Finals (2020)
  • Rank 1 at the ICPC Asia West-Continent Finals (2019)
  • Rank 1 at both the ICPC Gwalior-Pune regionals and Kharagpur regionals (2019)
  • Best Student Paper in the Workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good (2019)
  • KVPY Scholar (2016)